“Having it all” keeps us awfully busy so we like to stop and “smell the posies,” spend quality
time with our poets, which is why our rendezvous last a full seven days–a new poet each
week, a new poem each weekday. Each year we slip room keys to 52 poets and indulge
in 260 poems. We have no issues whatsoever. Meet with us daily at No Tell Motel.
We're hot for poetic discretion.
Reb Livingston, Editor
Reb is a delight. She’s also a poet living in Northern Virginia
and author of God Damsel (No Tell Books 2010), Your Ten
Favorite Words (Coconut Books 2007), Pterodactyls Soar
Again (Whole Coconut Chapbook Series 2006), among other
titles. Her poetry has appeared in Best American Poetry 2006,
the American Poetry Review, Anti-, Absent and Coconut,
among other publications.
To really know her, visit her website and blog.
Molly Arden, Contributing Editor
Molly has continued doing research on the erotic literature of antiquity.
Several translations from Catullus with her commentary are forthcoming in
Classic Literature in Translation. Also, she blogs.
Reb and Molly met in 2003 while attending a luncheon for contributors of
FU: An Anthology of Fuck You Poems. They have been collaborating
from the very moment they met.
Together they help "bring the sexy back" to poetry by editing The Bedside
Guide to No Tell Motel and The Bedside Guide to No Tell Motel - 2nd Floor.
Nancy King, Site Designer
Chris Morrow, Technical Support
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