Upon Imagining the Field Where Matthew Shepard Was Murdered
Steve Fellner
Beyond the field
is another young gay man. This one
lurks in chatrooms
to steal money from lonely
mothers whose sons have died
of AIDS. Beyond the field
is a mother who buys her living
gay son a Chippendales calendar
for Christmas and then gets angry
when he doesn’t seem grateful. Beyond
the field are people still thankful
that a faggot got what he deserved.
Beyond the field is a gay man
who boasts that he never
watches porn. Beyond the field
is a gay man who thinks he’s
a rebel because he doesn’t
shave his balls. Beyond the field
is a gay man who calls uncircumcised
penises “Pigs
in the Blanket.” Beyond the field is
a gay man who is more sexist
than any straight guy. He always
has to befriend the most attractive
straight woman to show the world
everyone wants him.
Beyond the field is someone
who saw Forrest Gump twice
and was convinced that was the movie
in which Tom Hanks plays a homosexual.
Beyond the field is a gay man
who wants to be beaten to death
by someone’s bare hands
so that someone will finally touch him.
Beyond the field is an openly gay man
who claims his meth addiction
was caused by “society’s oppression
of homosexuals.” His lesbian
won’t even let him get away
with that one. Beyond the field is a President
who won’t allow
for gay marriage, but treats
an old transsexual friend with complete
respect. Beyond the field are porn
tapes of bareback sex hidden in the toolshed.
They are found by a wife
who will be relieved
the day he confesses. She wants to inform
him about the beauty
of condoms. As he did
with their children. Beyond
the field is the fact the universe cannot
keep secrets. Beyond the field
is a gay group
of graduate students who asked someone
not to reveal
he was gay-bashed.
They don’t want the story to bring
down everyone’s morale.
Beyond the field is the fat
body of a gay man
who purges his lunch
in the toilet after another trick
neglects to call him. Beyond
the field is that same trick
ironing the creases
of his favorite shirt
so that when he goes to the gay bar
the man he loves will finally
love him back. Beyond the field are happy
endings not created
by synthetic compounds. Beyond
the field is a God
who is bored
with rainbow
necklaces. Beyond the field is
me who begs forgiveness
for his own self-
inflated ego. These simple words
that no one else needs
except me. Beyond the field
is a student disowned
by his family and deluded. As
I once was. He wants
and wants. For the words
to bring
what he never had
back. He does not need to know
that the world shares his wish. Why
be cruel and tell him
he’s nothing
special? Beyond the field is field.
Beyond the field. Beyond.

Steve Fellner
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