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Laynie Browne

From not knowing the songs of the land and therefore not having any luck. Departure from the land and luck linked like a little band you have never entered. From not remembering that you are the land and the song. And from the mountain in the mist which appears to conceal itself and the supposition: therefore there is no mountain. From object permanence as a way of misting over the moment of standing on such an invisible proclivity. From the day is gone to where? The nurse on the hill is calling and where is the mother or the father in Blake’s song, or an engraving which is also a child changing number with days in colors. From eyes blink when once upon a song not having any remembrance of any of these life forms touching or trilling. He hid behind the scenery during the song and did not move his mouth or stand with hands clasped behind his back. Departure from, nobody noticed that the child had gone behind the scenery. Departure from rules prohibiting the children singing or not singing, clasping behind the day has gone —where?

Laynie Browne

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