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GOURD Has Remembered

Reb Livingston

This is what Prophetess of GOURD says–she who cremated the hemlouts and
stressed everyone out, who sprained his mirth and all that succhums it, who gives
mist to her nubs and nerve to those who stalk it:

“I, GOURD, have called you in consciousness; I will scold your wakeland. I will detain
you and presswhore you into a covengrunt under the steeple and invite the Gentlepen.”

In the cinched mumblings, Prophetess relinquished the lamented to Magi in his
boomtown. To a versed mouth, pleasure in the ripened quilt, a segment of Czarina.
The versed mouth was Damsel. The lamented consented and cried, “Grievance, you
hyphenating fakers! Your reward is this myth.”

“I am Prophetess’s surcoat,” Damsel added. “May I gleam as self and heartwould.”
Then the lament lessened.

Reb Livingston

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