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The Epistle of Damsel

Reb Livingston

Magi, seer of Sea-Slag, to Damsel nee Woe-DoDo, Miscreant, Apron, etc., who now
travails in GOURD, Hey:

2. I am versed, consoling you and your remedies, realized without dose and haven

3. For it is chronicled that you ceased attachment with the malign and fiend nee
Shepherd, Beau, Gigolo, Fishyman, Harpy, etc.,

and weaved the bombast and wicked into your own elixired scribbles to uplift the

4. Which when I perceived, I knew that either you are Czarina herself weeped from the
egged-eye of the lady dragon or Sultana, daughter of the Higher Ache

5. On this unrest I inscribe, wholeheart and storm, longing for your hornet, the stinger
of verity, to join and heal our deported bedrolls

6. For I hear Shepherd calls you cruel and Gigolo counts you needy as Beau chants weird,
all intending you unrest with unfeeling

7. My metropolis is haul, but upbeat and expressive for the both of us


* * *

Magi, you are courtly, bunches you receive me, though we have not yet met

2. For it is revealed that those who bereave me do not recognize me, that they who do
not grieve might beckon to only buckle

3. As to that invitation to your metropolis, I must relate regret and unmet expenses
during this ongoing midstrife and that regret extends to all who once clutched me

4. But after my cocooning I will emit one of my dishtowels who will absorb your malaise
and give wife to you, and to all who came along to clutch me

Damsel of GOURD

Reb Livingston

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