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Bird Brain II

Neil de la Flor & Maureen Seaton

after Suzanne Sbarge

1. You have a map of your brain on your brain.

2. 7 countries: Domestic, Aspiring, Reflective, Sane, Sexy, Self, and Moral.

3. You’ve pointed an arrow at 2 blue birds on a wire.

4. One of your faces covers your other face like Sinead O’Connor’s.

5. You might be a parakeet, you might be a paralegal.

6. The bluebirds are talking about you, but you can’t hear them.

7. (You’re green.)

8. Your blue eggs should be named.

9. Did you steal those blue eggs, poker face?

10. Do all birds fly with bird brains?

11. Your hand looks creepy between your two bird claws.

12. Are those 3 legs or 2 legs and 1 arm?

13. Would you rather be married to a canary?

14. You're such a bird.

Neil de la Flor & Maureen Seaton

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