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Yes Lets

Brian Laidlaw

several of the humans were miserable
for reasons

e.g. ones glass eye
was cutout with a grass-harp

(thats harsh)

one anothers got semicolons
for eardrums:

you get the picture
but he doesnt

some had miserable reasons & some
had none

this one went to market
had some rosé

this ones got some cab
the point is my loves mouth

is a magical apparatus
more ellipsis than ellipse

vis à vis reasons
she could of got misery like us all

but she isnt
yes & one of the plainest pastimes

is suffering
but she doesnt

the worlds fecal
the worlds feckless

the infinite periods that puncture the finite
amass as pellets

pell mell as grains in the feedlot fen
yes & you know its shit

if you gravitate thataway
but she hasnt

Brian Laidlaw

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