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Mini BuildingsromanJames GrinwisOily gadget turning into a necromancer. What is a necromancer a necromancer is a sorcerer who works with the dead. The first, second, and third goners left. No plot but a large hole in the ground. The lover of trite novelties tapped the goners with little copper spoons. A coal took root in his fragile depths. A boy dumped guts along the path to the city. A slithery creature, being fattened in the hotel. A messianic squaw bit into a raspberry and said ow. A vision! It was Isabel Allende, leading a sexton by the wrist in a mode of forgiveness. I have always loved Melville’s description of chowder, I find myself reflecting on it often. The nerves were set, the key to the puzzle ready to be cut. James Grinwis Read Bio Author Discusses Poems |
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