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The New New Instinctivism

Dean Gorman

the poor are dressed in noble looking bath towels
no color exaggerated       hats       the stirring mystery
blotted out       Algerian blue you see
for 25 or 30 dollars my man is Sir Victor Sassoon
in your letter of the 15th you say such chaotic things

I was committing a sin today       had my typewriter
the gorgeous shoulder line you are playing on me
I was committing a sin you innocent-looking punk
my talent wasted on trash       you theatre of 1931

but the sense of life these days       the climate
the flirty quality my whole life is centered in you
I like looking for something big to result       and Tuesday
be prepared to be raped talking to me
naturally       I have been a crazy dreamer

I’m unplussed incidentally
are these low rolling hills this thing sad, classic
are these low rolling hills this thing sad, classic, laying you
in a fishing village       being dead is old, old looking
I remember Jung is one of them
Hannibal, Burlesque, Eduardo, American Express
one jerk who hasn’t begun to fuck yet

let’s prepare a daring mixture: put on
my watery black       you smashing 2 shots butcher-red
friendship was
really good       no color exaggerated

imagine it all sad, classic       some provincial town
some people       not a sound of music
the country really sacred
it will break you whole in the face my love

Dean Gorman

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