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The Complete First Season

Anthony Robinson

“All love letters are / Ridiculous”
                                                Álvaro de Campos

Episode 1: She’s folding a flammable star from a piece of yellow legal paper.

Episode 2: My words will blowtorch themselves to her hip, on this, the night of many
feasts, on this, the anniversary of the bright blue sideways sky.

Episode 3: Our lovemaking is portable. It shimmers compactly in the breast pocket
of a good starched shirt.

Episode 4: We listened to “Hey!” in bed, my mouth soldered to the line that bisects
her back.

Episode 5: “Chained” is one way to describe it.

Episode 6: Freedom, sometimes, is loathsome, though we seldom deign to admit it.

Episode 7: Watch me bend this note. She will sing the fifth, slightly off-key, a yellow
bird (a Woodstock bird) with a broken tail feather. Each interval is unlike the last.

Episode 8: We are everyday-looking. I wear a knit cap and scuffed shoes. She, a
tartan skirt, a plain blouse.

Episode 9: When she attacked me on the couch, I could barely hear our breathing
over the radiator clank. That’s all right.

Episode 10: The days are getting shorter. Strike a match. There is no beach for miles.
No conch shell, no driftwood.

Episode 11: It’s amazing to watch this comprehension beginning.

Anthony Robinson

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