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Erika Howsare

It is very good work, making it blue.
To get to the bottom of the blue.

        forked my tongue,

A song who self-cancels.
A birdsong or question
keeps changing by changing
its understandings.

It's the last day of May.
What kind of summer will we have in our country?

All the white houses on flats
are wetting down and looking up. Tornadoes
or mornings off to work in June.

"What is white must not be blue."
What is generous is more flat.
I miss the shorter distance between us,

        that night down south between

the younger summer. If I'd held you earlier.
Collage is just an atmosphere, all one color.

        will be what you are—

        —be going uphill.
The path is wide and red.

"It seemed to him that 'only a bird could get through'
the tangled web of woods and canyons."
She traced his clavicle with her thumb.
Flew apart.

Erika Howsare

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